823_UCB_240x170_UG Prospectus 2021_AW_WEB


LEARNING SUPPORT Whatever help you need to succeed, our support teams are committed to giving all students the advice, skills and practical tools to discover their full potential. BRINGING OUT THE BEST YOU CAN BE

GIVING YOU THE GRADUATE ADVANTAGE We’re dedicated to helping you develop not just academically, but personally and professionally. Our Graduate Advantage programme offers one hour per week for all our higher education students to receive additional tailored support, with sessions ranging from academic skills and preparing for the world of work to personal elements such as your transition to university and your health and wellbeing. FUNDING SUPPORT FOR DISABLED STUDENTS Any UK student with a disability can apply for an assessment from Student Finance, which may be able to fund your needs through the Disabled Student Allowance (DSA). For more information, contact CASE. Tel: 0121 232 4043 “Thanks to the ASC, I was able to access mentoring to help with issues such as anxiety and receive study skills support to assist me with academic writing and assignments, while my allowance has also helped towards the cost of a computer for my studies.” Ross Yates Bakery and Patisserie Technology FdSc

Our Centre for Academic Skills and English (CASE) offers a range of support and resources to help you throughout your studies, while our friendly staff are always available for you to chat to in the strictest confidence. HOWWE CAN HELP YOU • One-to-one academic support • Online skills materials • In-class skills and development sessions • Individual support for students with disabilities or Special Educational Needs ADVANCING YOUR ACADEMIC ABILITY No matter what your academic background, we want to help you achieve your study ambitions. Our Academic Skills Centre provides a mix of support sessions and one-to-one appointments covering a wide range of study skills, from understanding and planning your assignments to research and referencing. INCLUSIVE FOR ALL Every student at University College Birmingham is entitled to an equal and outstanding learning experience. We welcome everyone regardless of physical disability, medical conditions or other specific special needs. Whether it’s holding regular one-to-one sessions or providing additional tools and materials, we can provide individual assistance and guidance to support you throughout your studies.


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