823_UCB_240x170_UG Prospectus 2021_AW_WEB
GUILD OF STUDENTS The Guild is your Students’ Union, and the home of student life at UCB. BY THE STUDENTS, FOR THE STUDENTS
As soon as you enrol at University College Birmingham, you automatically become a member of the Guild. We're here to make sure your voice is heard on the issues that matter to you – both within the University and the wider community – and to make your time here the very best it can be. WE REPRESENT YOU The Guild is here for you. No matter where you are from or what you study, we represent you and put what you need at the top of our priority list. Our team is always ready to hear your views, while our course-based societies not only enable you to get involved in events, but to shape and change both your course and the University itself.
WE HELP YOU BELONG The Guild has a wide range of societies, run by students. So whether you want to organise events for Black History Month, play football in a national university league, or just watch movies with some new friends, we’ll help you connect with other students and grow your community. WE CAMPAIGN FOR CHANGE From introducing gender neutral facilities on campus to joining environmental campaigns, we’re committed to supporting the issues and causes you care about – be it here at the University, around Birmingham or beyond.
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